Thursday, June 28, 2012

You Should Like Your Face: A Pep Talk

    From the moment we hit puberty we are plagued with self-doubt. Looking in the mirror, and immediately reciting a laundry list of our own flaws. Everything about us is wrong, and we whine to the universe, if only I was a different way, everything would be better... right?    
    Then hopefully (and I do mean hopefully, because countless amounts of people go throughout life never experiencing this moment of discovery), you'll have an epiphany. You'll realize that although you don't look like a Heidi Klum or a George Clooney, neither Heidi Klum nor George Clooney looks like you. You return to that cursed mirror and take a long, hard look at yourself. You shrug and think, I can work with this.
    Now mind you, I am not promoting vanity. You should take pride in your appearance, but don't think you're the end all and be all of beauty. Because trust me, if there's one thing you can count on in the unforgiving world, it is that there will always be someone more attractive than you.
    Say you don't have an eureka moment, and you are still not overjoyed with your exterior, remember that your inside plays a big part as well. We've all had the experience of meeting someone who, initially, we did not find very attractive (it's not bitchy, it's natural), but then after getting to know them, who knows? We may even consider marrying them and moving to one of those middle states whose names we always forget.
    Intelligence, for example. Personally, I find intelligence one of the biggest turn ons. ("What's that? You want to tell me your opinion on the current financial crisis in Greece and Spain, and the steps the EU has taken to remedy the issue? Cool. Mind if I mount you while you're doing this?) So if you're intelligent: BOOM. There you go. Immediately more attractive. Woohoo!
    Still haven't convinced yourself? Well, I'm a strong believe in the power of a smile. When someone gives a wide, toothy (yes, TOOTHY, no smiling without your teeth, that makes you look disturbed) grin, I can't help but feel attracted to them. When in doubt: smile. Because everyone's smile is beautiful.
    I like my face, and you should like yours too.

    Voila! That was my pep talk. Now go forth, young grasshopper with that likeable face, flourish and have sex with the world. Just remember that no one's smile lines or forehead crinkles are exactly like yours (besides those of your doppelganger), so own them.

Your faithful blogster, Jacob.

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