Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Word Vomit of Word Vomits

    In a weird place. Somewhere between not giving two shits and giving too much shits. But it's all good, because no matter how hellish my weeks are, my weekends are incredible. Halloween is coming! I'll hide under my burlap costume and go to an Alanis Morissette concert and feel like an angsty 90's teen. Can't say I'm not feeling alive. Part of me wishes high school would just go away and let college start so I can figure out what the hell I'm going to do with my life. Too deep? That's okay, I'm usually not so self-indulgent so it evens out. Digging the lack of flow in this paragraph; each sentence is a new thought. SEMICOLON ALERT. Clearly all these grammar classes are getting to me.
    Sorry. Apparently junior year has not only taken my sanity, but my coherence as well. Bye bye eloquence (well... preconceived eloquence)... okay, now I'm just using pretty words. Jeez. Get over yourself, Jacob.
    I am tired. Always.
    Pretty people all up in my face, and I'm all like, "BACK IT UP, HOLMES! No one likes uber attractive people. That's a misconception. Go procreate with other pretty peeps."
    Math is cockblocking me. Ain't no one got time for this Pre-AP shiz. (Why am I so cool? Rhetorical question. Don't answer, not even silently in your mind.)
    Been told what a fantastic boyfriend I'd be by two boys. Like what? Who does that? Bizarre. My favorite was how one said, "Like imma be real, Jacob. You're not a 10... but your personality is like a 40. I mean, I'd chase after you for years." Over all a very wonderful compliment, but the human in me focused on the negative and only heard: 'your not a 10.' But it's okay. Because I'm fuckable. And that's all you need to be. (Or not. Ruh-roh. Pity party over hurr (just said 'hurr', I think I've reached a new low... (sidenote: this is a parentheses within a parentheses within a parentheses, parentheCEPTION!!!!!! Boom. Mind = blown.))
    Now I'm just rambling, I mean, that NEVER happens. I'm confused... are you confused?
    I should read my assigned reading. I should finish my costume. I should eat less. I should exercise more. I should stop blowing my voice out, and start blowing other things. I should sort out all the shit going on. I should proof read this post. But honestly I don't know if I want to...
I should sleep. Yes. Sleep. Sleep is good.
    Nice chat. ~Jacob out~

Your delirious blogster, Jacob.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

    I want to run away to a new place. These peeps and this life are boring. Deuces.

Your faithful blogster, Jacob.