Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Of James Mcavoy and All Things Marvelous

    As you all know, I am currently in a serious relationship with Scottish actor, James Mcavoy. We are very happy together, and he frequently makes secret visits to me out in Houston. But unfortunately he has to commute back and forth from Scotland to the States until we settle together in Prague.
   He's everything I could have ever wanted in a guy.....
1.) Smart
2.) Sexy
3.) Funny
4.) Foreign

    Anywho, true to my 'Sex and the City' fashion. I think we are in the stage of our relationship where it becomes necessary for him to meet my friends. Here he is, in a rather sexual interview.

I hope you all like him!.... and if you don't...... then fuck you.

Your faithful (at least to James, that is) blogster, Jacob.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Another Excerpt: "Starbucks"

Yet another excerpt from my autobiography: "Rambles of a Mad Man: The Autobiography of Jacob Seferian." (and I know what you're thinking, and no, I did not copy the name from the blog, in fact, I had started my autobio before creating the blog.)
               So, I hit a certain age where I felt as though I was independent. I could now go places with my friends without a chaperone; I thought I was pretty bad ass. So when they opened up a Starbucks near my house, I was immediately ecstatic.
                It was summer, and my childhood brotha-from-anotha-motha, (yes, those misspellings are intentional. That’s how we rolled in 2006.)  Charles, pretty much hung out with each other every day that sixth grade summer. (Partially because we had no other friends, but also because Charles was smart, and knew one day I’d be famous and write a book, and he wanted in on it.)
                Well anyways, we were always advent lovers of coffee, so we rode our scooters through the blazing heat that is Houston in the summertime, for about a mile before reaching our destination. As we entered the store, one of the employees teased us. “Oh my, look it’s the scooter gang, better not mess with you guys.”
I shot him a look, as if to say, “Don’t diss the scooters, man, we’ve got friends in high places.” But none the less, his teasing had worked; I never rode a scooter to a public place again. Thanks a lot, asshole, I hope you got burned by scolding coffee.
So anyways, after that faithful summer day, a pattern started. Over the years I would go to Starbucks to study, read, and just to enjoy the coffee (or if I really felt like celebrating, a frappacino). I came so often, they even memorized my order.
I met various employees. Some were nice, and others were just cruel. One girl said I came pretty much every day, and felt it necessary to point out I had always came alone. (I hope her and the scooter mocker met a similar fate.) But there was one who definitely stood out, and that is Mr. Mocha (more frequently referred to as Jacob’s Starbucks Man.)
I first met him with Isabel. At the time, I thought nothing of this, until that bitch stole him, but we’ll get to that later.
Well, he served us, and remarked at how attractive he was. So we hung around until later, and then he walked over and talked to us. He told us he was a graduate of HSPVA for vocals, and our minds were blown. He then asked if Isabel was a dancer (which in HSPVA code was: “Damn girl, you got one nice body.” Let’s just say, no one ever mistook me for a dancer.)
 “Oh no, she’s in art,” I blurted out. I needed to set the record straight. Anyways, we chatted than walked back to my house.
The next few times I saw Mr. Mocha he didn't seem to notice me, that was, until I brought Isabel along. They never spoke but he smiled at her. So if you ever find Isabel floating dead in a bayou, let’s just say she had it coming.
“Operation: Seduce Starbucks Man” is still in progress. So I’ll keep you updated.
Your faithful blogster, Jacob.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Review of Freshman Year

  As freshman year draws to a close... I'd like to that this excerpt from my autobiography and dedicate it to my wonderful friends, it kinda sounds like a end of the year speech, so I thought I'd share it. :) Enjoy.
              As high school began, something changed. I got more moody, and didn’t want to surround myself with all these loud, obnoxious theatre folk that I had once idolized.
                HSPVA changes you in many ways, but the perhaps the most apparent change would be in your fashion. Unlike most high schools, HSPVA had no dress code, and you could pretty much wear anything you wanted, and people did.
                Now, I was no trend setter, but I had found a style that worked for me. This style consisted of cute t-shirts with funny slogans, and form-fitting jeans. This all went downhill when we were required to wear sweats and loose clothing for dance and movement classes. It was like a revelation, I had never experienced sweats before. Needless to say, I instantly fell in love.
                I then began to wear clothing I proclaimed as my: “Fat Suit”. This usually included: sweats, and baggy t-shirts that were at least two sizes too large for me. Despite dieting and exercising and loosing twenty-seven pounds since 8th grade, my body was still not where I wanted it to be. So I gravitated towards large clothing that didn’t make me feel self-conscience and fat.
                My style was the first to go, then was the hygiene. Now, I always brushed my teeth, and put on deodorant, do not fear. But my hair, which has always been a poof ball of death, began to aggravate me like no other. I was in a predicament. If not combed, it would look like a bird’s nest, but then when combed; it would often poof out to much at the top and look silly. So I began not to care. I used to shower and comb my hair every day, but half-way through freshman year I would skip every other day and show up to school a mess. (This was also partly to the fact that I would always stay on late and wake up too exhausted to shower.)
                One day, I had to do a scene in which I had just been woken up, so I decided to go to school in “costume”. My ruffled my hair, put one of my old favorite baggy shirts, but unfortunately, had now developed an ominous grease stain, and wore my checkered pajamas bottoms, and brought a pillow as I prop. As I walked into school, a group of my so-called “friends” literally busted out laughing at me.
                Staying true to my bubbly morning persona, I told them all to go to hell, and walked to my first period, where my ever so sassy friend, Kirby, made fun of me the whole class. And you wonder why I didn’t like people? One of my best friends said I looked like a “hobo”, and my vocal teacher decided to put it more delicately as “hobo chic”.
                On the rare occasion that I had things to do after school that somewhat resembled a life, I would comb my hair and return back to my usual style, and people would be shocked that I actually looked decent. Let’s just say, I clean up nicely.
* * * * * * * * * *
                Freshman year was by no means a bad year, in fact, it was a very good year. Towards the end of the year, I actually became confident in my acting abilities, after a shaky start in the beginning of the year. But more importantly, I became confident in who I was as a person. I actually felt like an individual. This could not have been achieved without the help of my amazing group of friends. There is a lyric to a song that says: “Only surround yourself with friends who call you a superstar.” And that’s exactly what I did. The amount of respect and love in my circle was unprecedented in my life before, and I would dare to say, even in the school.
                I grew distant from the majority of my theatre class, for strange reasons, mostly because the other gay boy in our class had taken it upon himself to hate me. Despite his friends actually liking me, it was just awkward to be around someone who you knew just hated your guts for pretty much no reason.
                But I found a group of four friends in theatre whom I adored and made me laugh. We loved each other for all of our flaws, but most importantly they were smart and funny. I could be myself with them, and not for one moment did they not understand my sense of humor or personality. We decided to make our gang official, and dubbed ourselves “The Bandersnatches” (after the Lewis Carroll creations).
                My only other close friend in theatre was a beautiful redhead girl named, Shelby.  Shelby and I were just the kind of people who were meant to be friends. From the moment we met, it was nothing but laughter. We bonded over the fact that we both didn’t take ourselves too seriously, and as others dived into the emotional activities in theatre so much so that it made it appear as if they were trying too hard, we took backseat and watched. Honestly, I think we were the lucky ones. We were able to brush off our fumbles and mistakes without any breakdowns, always knowing that tomorrow we’d laugh our asses off.
                Outside of theatre, my circle of friends was very diverse. It was made up of dancers, artists, and instrumentalists. They were amazing, and we just had fun. While all other circles were talking about their art areas and drama, we would sit back, and talk about the most useless things.
                I learned not to be afraid to screw up and speak your mind. It’s always better to do something that is you, than tell people what they want to hear.  While others around me would try to impress the teachers, I decided I would just be myself, and if that didn’t impress them, oh well.
                I’m more comfortable with myself and my surroundings than I have ever been in my life, and it’s all thanks to my incredible friends and my vanilla scented oasis that I call my room. You have made me feel so special. Thanks for making freshman year the best! I love you all.

Your faithful blogster, Jacob.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Longing for a Change

So.... everything is going well in Jacobville.
I have found an amazing group of friends,
I am in control of my grades,
I love who I am.
.... but I want something to happen. I just feel like something MAJOR needs to come along....

Your faithful blogster, Jacob.

Nostalgia #2

  Now, call me a loser, but I love Enya. (Yes, the Irish New Age singer, that Enya). Her music is just beautiful, and I've always been interested in ancient history, and her use of Gallic language just makes me squeel with joy. Not to mention my favorite song of her's: "May It Be" is from the LOTR: Return of the King soundtrack.... which just brings back a flood of memories of when I was younger.
Check it out.

Your faithful blogster, Jacob.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


   Most of you probably have a sibling who you  credit as a major influence your life. But since my brother and I aren't that close, I have always found comfort in my "big sister", Leah.
  Leah was our neighbor, and she began babysitting me when she was 16 years old, and then stopped once I graduated 8th grade. (now, to be honest, we stopped needing her at around 7th grade, but she grew so close to me, that she became part of the family, and none of us could bare to see her go.)
  Ever since that faithful day, when Leah came into our lives, she has meant the world to me. She may not know it, but she helped me through a lot of hard times, sometimes, without even trying.
   I did everything with her. We'd go shopping, watch movies, sing, fight (oh yes, notorious fights), cry, and most certainly LAUGH together... The best was summer, when we'd have absolutely nothing to do, so we'd sit and play World of Warcraft together for hours, then taking a break to go to Starbucks or the neighborhood pool. The world was our oyster, and I'll never forget when she'd come over in the morning, and occasionally surprise me with a mocha from El Rey (which are delicious, you must try them) and we'd split it.
  I can't even begin to tell you how much she has shaped me as a human being.... from teaching me how to be a better person, down to my taste in music. I'll never forget us belting out the words to our favorite musicals in her car, and how we would sometimes ride in silence, bewitched by the beautiful music of Regina Spektor (every album, no joke, we went through them all).
  We began to refer to ourselves as siblings, when Leah tried to explain to her friends who I was. She knew that saying "the boy I babysit" would not nearly cover how close we were, and how much we talked about each other. She then began introducing me as the "little brother" she never had. And then it stuck. Afterall, we would laugh, fight, and cry like a brother and sister would. And there I found the kind of connection, and love that I couldn't find with my real brother. (though, it is not just his fault, I am to blame as well.)
  She was someone who I could always talk too, and has made me happier than anyone else in the world. I even get a little teary eyed just typing up this blog now.... no matter who's womb she came from, she is, and will always be my true big sister. I love you Leahs. <3

(she's the one of the right)

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.
Your blogster, Jacob.

This is a Blog.... Not a Diary

   I read Natasha's blog and I love how open and careless she can be since she, unlike the stupid Jacob, hasn't posted a link to her blog on facebook. I sometimes want to make posts only close friends can see, but then I realized that I have made my blog accessible to the public, and actually encouraged people to visit it. Which is something I'm starting to regret..... I've come to the sad conclusion that this is a blog, not a diary.
                              *     *     *    *     *     *     *     *    *   *    *     *     *
  This whole weekend has been a blurr, and though I have done my homework, I am sure I am forgetting something.... ay.

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.
your faithful blogster, Jacob.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sleepwalking and Epiphanies

   This whole Saturday has felt as though I'm sleep walking.... unlike the other wimps at the lock in, I stayed up the whole night, not one moment did I close my eyes. BAM!!! Commitment.
   The lock in was a lot of fun, and a lot of things were revealed to me. We really shouldn't be jealous of anyone else... because we don't know everything about them, and I found out they are more fucked up then us, and we really have nothing to be jealous of. So... I guess I'm trying to say be happy if you like yourself, and if you don't, starting doing so.

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.
Your blogster, Jacob.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Long Live the Purple Blanket

   As many of you faithful followers know, Purple Blanket and I are planning world domination. It's tough though.... taking over the world is no easy feat. We're currently trying to enlist the help of the magical leaf gnome, Daggard (he's the one Noemie kissed, thinking he would grant her a wish). But he's not being cooperative, and keeps pushing for the new capital of the world to be the lily pad floating the Trevi Fountain. We tell him this isn't feasible, considering we are not all as tiny as him... but gnomes will be gnomes.

*sigh* .... Daggard .....

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.
Your blogster, Jacob.

A Genius Gone Unnoticed

  I'm like Van Gough and Emily Dickinson... my genius goes unappreciated. People just don't understand how witty I am. I'm like Diablo Cody on speed (and with a penis). Hopefully, unlike many of the greats, I will be given credit before I'm six feet under. That is all. So savor me (like a truffle).

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.
Your blogster, Jacob.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Manly Escape of Burly and Manhands

   As Manhands and Burly sit in the mancave discussing manly matters of manliness, they came to a decision, on HSPVA, Montrose, the universe, and of all things good, evil, and Cate Blanchett. We just don't want to deal with it.... and we won't. We shall sneak away in the dead of the manly morn, shrouded in our manly (somewhat) cloaks of invisibility, and ride baby whales to Helsinki, where we spend a rather hazy two weeks, having liaisons with the metal god beauties of Finland.
   But one night after partying, Burly awakes in quite a frenzy. He has an epiphany. As wonderful as Helsinki is, it is not the place for him, Prague is where his true heart lies. So, he slips away, of course not without wedging a note between Natasha and her newest lover, Emerson Burton (who is really booster gold) containing an explanation for his sudden change of heart.
   There, on the streets of Prague, wandering around mindlessly, Jacob meets his lover, James Mcavoy. They embrace, and well... the rest is history.
  Now, I am sure you are all dying to know, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE OTHER BANDERSNATCHES?!?!?!
  Notorious finally finds true love, well... maybe not so true. You see, she conveniently finds herself by the side of a recently widowed Hugh Jackman, after having "accidently" pushing his wife down a winding staircase. She then proceeds to use Jackman as a stepping stone to what would become a long and scandalious career in Hollywood, and would submerge as one of the centuries greatest actresses.
   Cuddly, being not so flashy as Notorious, lives a quiet, quaint life working in a neighborhood book store, which she co-owns with her charming and handsome husband. They are the proud parents of twins, and are truly happy.  
   The Bandersnatches never lost touch. :)

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.
Your faithful bloster, Jacob (ft. NATASHA xxoo)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Unlucky or Delusional?: The Self-Indulgant Post

    So, I really don't mean to sound like a broken record, but all of my close friends are starting to have lovers (boyfriends). And then there's me... lone, strange, the one who talks to himself FAR too much to be healthy, Jacob. Now, don't get me wrong, my imaginary relationship with James Mcavoy and affair with Michael Fassbender are quite satisfying, but it'd be nice to actually have a love-air who knows you exist.
   The worst part is I have amazing friends who do nothing but cradle my self-esteem and tell me how amazing I am 24/7. (they are honestly incredible... I have never been as comfortable with myself or my friends than I am now. You should only surround yourself with friends who call you a superstar, and lord knows I have! :D) This makes me egotistical and I think: "Well if I am so fabulous, then why don't I have a boyfriend?"
   Now, I know I sound like the everyday teenage girl, but you have to see where I am coming from. Being gay, I have never actually been in a relationship with someone I am truly physically attracted to, nor have I ever been kissed. (Though, through living vicariously through my friends relationships, I feel as if I've kissed half the city, and feel far more experienced than I actually am.)
   Now I pose the question, am I truly as wonderful as they say and merely have not been graced with the presence of a boyfriend because of circumstance? Or am really just delusional and need to shrink my massive head and get over myself?
Perhaps a bit of both. ;)

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.
Your faithful blogster, Jacob.

If I Could....

If I could.... sing I would pursue a recording career (no joke, I love to study music artists and their stastics, yeah... I'm a dork)
If I could...... do anything, it would be able to transform into any animal in the world. (I've always had the secret desire to fly)
If I could..... do anything with my life it would be act. (*queue corny 'awww's)
If I could..... rule the world, I'd make everyone eat truffles.
If I could.... have a celebrity best friend it would either be Tina Fey or Anne Hathaway.
If I could..... move to Prague, I would be content. (...maybe)
If I could....

Thank you sole follower, whomever you may be.