Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Strange Art of Wooing

     Seducing is a bizarre trade. You have to throw away your self-awareness momentarily, as you try to give your desired one a hint that you are interested.
     You'd think we could just be blunt, and say: "I don't know about you... but personally, I'm really feeling the urge to f*&!k you right now." But no. That is not, "socially acceptable." Instead, we have to beat around the bush, until someone finally musters up the courage to say a less (much less) crude version of the previous statement. It's preposterous.
     Unfortunately, we were not graced with such indestructible confidence, nor eloquence. We mumble and fumble our way through these awkward situations, leaving our crush more confused than when we started.
     (Bad analogy) It's like going fishing. You study your prey, discover their interests and hobbies, and use it as bait. Desperate for a bite, you use their interests as a conversation stater, sending messages like: "I saw a chick who kinda looked like Justin Bieber, .... well, ya know, if Justin Bieber were a chick.... and it made me think of you, because I saw on your Facebook that you're a fan of the Biebs, so... yeah...." We're all guilty of it.
     FACEBOOK HAS RUINED ANY SMALL CHANCE OF ROMANCE. We know too much about everyone. Not to mention, Facebook justifies obsessive behavior, like stalking. We can't help but follow every post, and every single "Like" they've made. We feel jealous when they comment on someone else's photo. Claiming they toyed with our emotions. Creating false scenarios in our head that we had a "thing." Or the classic, "Like Standoff." How dare they not like my last three statuses! I'm not liking their status, that will show them! MUWHAHAHA!"       

     Maybe you're like me. Too proud to flirt. Thereby unintentionally sending the message, "I'm sorry, I don't know why you're speaking to me. You're not James McAvoy." Then, on the rare occasion you do flirt, it is awkward and too unsubstantial for anyone to notice.
     As for the lucky few, who are gutsy enough to walk up to the person they have a crush on and say, "I like you." Bravo. You are already leagues ahead of the rest of us, and you will probably rule the universe one day.

Your faithful blogster, Jacob.

"My self-worth measured in text-back tempo." - Imogen Heap